Custom white-label ticketing solutions 

Create a custom ticketing experience for your customers with higher conversions.

Create a custom ticketing experience for your customers via IWannaTicket's API Integration

Your ticketing system doesn't need to dictate the look of your customer's checkout experience. Using our API you can build a custom check-out that perfectly matches your website and brand.

It's more important than ever to deliver an exceptional online experience for your customers. The customer experience should be immersive and it should be consistent from home page all the way through to check-out. Why would you invest in a bespoke website only to deliver a generic checkout experience with low conversions?

With IWannaTicket's white-label integration you have the freedom to create the checkout experience your customers will love!

We have a number of options to integrate the ticket buying process into your website which we explore below.

Complete API Integration - Festival of Dangerous Ideas

FODI brings together internationally renowned thinkers and creators, attracting people from all over the world who immerse themselves in ideas and conversations that encourage debate and critical thinking. It is absolutely paramount that FODI's digital experience aligns with their mission to bring to light important conversations and push the boundaries of conventional thought.

FODI built a brand-new, bespoke website for their 2020 festival (see video below). They chose to integrate their website with IWannaTicket's ticketing API to provide their attendees with a seamless purchasing experience and ensure their event is backed by a simple and robust ticketing system they know they can rely on.

From a Developer's perspective, integrating with IWannaTicket is pain-free and fast. In a few weeks we had FODI set-up with IWannaTicket and we received great feedback from the FODI Development team.

Single Event Widget using a custom cart - Bleach Festival

Bleach Festival is a series of events. The organiser wanted to have a separate page on their website for each event. They also wanted their customers to be able to buy tickets to multiple events in the same transaction directly from their website.

Bleach Festival didn't have the time or budget to implement a complete API integration, so instead they used our Single Event Widgets and built a custom cart that integrated via our API, so that customers could buy tickets to multiple events in the same transactions.

By leveraging IWannaTicket's API, Bleach Festival delivers a seamless checkout experience for its attendees and the organisers have total confidence using IWannaTicket's simple and robust ticketing system.

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